I come from a small town where the majority of everyday labor is spent in manufacturing. Life there was great except for the tough 50+ hour work weeks I put my body through. That is definitely not what I wanted for the rest of time here on Earth. One day, I decided to change the path that I almost set for myself. After hours and days of research, I found Epidocus!
Epidocus isn't the only reason why I decided to pack my belongings and move. Another motivational reason why I decided to fly across country is my grandmother. We've spent life almost 2 decades apart seperated by 2,257 miles! Now, we're living under the same roof and I get to attend Epidocus at the same time.
I started Intro to Programming with the July 30, 2018 cohort. At first, I had no reasoning to apply for Epidocus besides wanting a different career path. As I continued to code through the Intro Course, that's when I knew I found something I enjoyed. Problem solving, creating and learning gave me a better understanding of why I want to continue with Epidocus. I relish over the fact that it keeps my mind working and it doesn't stop!